
Imagine a home, that knows you better than some of your family members. It wakes you up with your favorite music, raises slightly roller blinds to 70%, greets you with welcome text. It ensures proper temperature in each zone, waters your garden by the schedule created by you. While you are leaving, it switches off all lights and appliances, taking care of your low utility bill. Once you are away, it notifies you about a water or gas leakage or unwanted guests, it informs you also, if anybody of family members is still in it. While you are on the way back home, it sets music, temperature and creates lighting scene as per your request.

What else we can do for you?

Learn smart home functionalities:

Automatyczne zapalanie - gaszenie


Funkcjonalności - ogrzewanie i wentylacja

Heating & Ventilation

Funkcjonalności - bramy i rolety

Gates & Blinds

Funkcjonalności - bezpieczenstwo


Aplikacja mobilna


Funkcjonalności - ogrod
